Lisa Soranaka
artist // ceramicist
/recent news
New Mural
Newly finished mural in downtown Spokane between Wall St. and Howard St. on the south facing railway retaining wall.

Kolva-Sullivan Gallery
Pleurotus Temporum, featuring Lisa's artwork will be at the Kolva-Sullivan Gallery in Spokane, WA, for the month of November. Opening reception will be on Friday, November 6th, 5-8pm, as part of First Firday Spokane. Check back or follow Lisa on Twitter @LisaSoranaka and Instagram @SoranakaL for more updates and information!
Bazaar 2015 by Terrain
100 local art vendors will be setting up in downtown Spokane for this year's Bazaar, hosted by Terrain. Full music line up, food trucks and great art and hand-crafted goods. Lisa will be having her booth there so don't miss it! Saturday, June 20 11am-10 pm. More information can be found here or on the Terrain website http://terrainspokane.com/bazaar/ You can also follow them on Twitter @terrainspokane, like them on Facebook , and follow them on Instagram @terrainspokane. Post your photos and tweets of the event using #howbazaar and #weallbuildthis
Upcoming University of Wisconsin Marinette Visiting Artist Lecture and Collaborative Project
Lisa will be lecturing at the University of Wisconsin Marinette as well as working with students to create a collaborative installation project 4/27/2015 - 5/2/2015. Check back or follow Lisa on Twtter @LisaSoranaka and Instagram @SoranakaL for more information and updates!
Downtown Spokane Mural Walk
The murals have been completed and Spokane Arts is putting a Mural Walk and Reception in conjunction with the installation of their Mobile Murals Project, as part of Creat Spokane, a month long celebration of the arts in Spokane. The Mural project is part of an effort to boost the arts in Spokane, and help bring vitality to the community.
The walk will be Saturday, Oct. 4 as part of Create Spokane arts month! The downtown mural teams will lead a tour taking off at 2 pm from the freshly installed Mobile Mural location (3rd Ave and Division St.) to all 5 murals (Division, Howard, Wall, Cedar, and Maple). Hear the stories behind the downtown murals from their creators! Reception to follow at River City Brewing on Cedar St.
More information can be found at the Spokane Arts website http://spokanearts.com, and the Create Spokane website http://www.createspokane.com like them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SpokaneArts, follow them on Twitter @SpokaneArts, and on Instagram at SpokaneArts.
Terrain 7
Lisa will be exhibitng 4 pieces in the upcoming event Terrain 7! #weallbuildthis Terrain is an annual, one night event, featuring over 255 artworks, by 142 artists. There will be live performances and the party lasts all evening. 304 W. Pacific Ave. Spokane, Washington 99201, 5pm - 2am.
More info can be found on their website at http://terrainspokane.com. Like them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/terrainspokane, follow them on Twitter @TerrainSpokane, and on Instagram at TerrainSpokane.
Downtown Spokane Mural Project Update
Lisa and Eric have completed their Cedar St. mural, Lilac City, in Downtown Spokane! Spokane Arts is still looking for volunteers to help paint a protective varnish on the completed murals, if you're interested please visit http://www.visitspokane.com/art/news/.
Eric and Lisa met attended graduate school together at Washington State University. They decided to collaborate, after seeing the call for mural proposals, because public art is something that is very close to both of them, and wanted to create a piece that was iconic to the city. Lisa and Eric both feel that art should be accessible to the community. Their hope is that the juxtaposition of their styles, combined with the enlargment of small scale drama within the lilacs is something that is visually exciting to viewers. They take you up close with the lilacs, defamiliarize the flower, and highlight what isn't normally vewable, creating new things to discover each time you walk by.
Eric and Lisa are so thankful to have been given this opportunity by the Spokane Arts Commission, and to have had the support of many sponsors and volunteers! Please check out all the new murals that bringing new life to these railway underpasses.
Follow @LisaSoranaka on Twitter and Instagram @SoranakaL for pictures and updates!
More information about Eric Parker and his work can be found at http://ericalain.com/
For news coverage on the murals downtown, please see the links below!
Downtown Spokane Mural Project
Lisa and her colleague Eric Parker have been selected to create a mural in Downtown Spokane, along with three other artists and artist teams. Lisa and Eric will have the Cedar St. location, more information can be found at http://www.visitspokane.com/art/news/. Eric and Lisa attended graduate school together at Washington State University and are so excited to have this opportunity in their home state. Follow @LisaSoranaka on Twitter for pictures and updates!
More information about Eric Parker and his work can be found at http://ericalain.com/
Modern Art at the Modern Hotel in Boise, ID
Thanks to everyone that joined Mariah Boyle and Lisa at the Modern Art event down in Boise! There were over 4,000 people in attendance, and was a ton of fun.
Community Colleges of Spokane ACT 2 Spring Quarter Schedule now available!
February 2014
New schedule is up, for continuing education art classes being offered through the Community Colleges of Spokane at its satellite campuses located in Colfax and Spokane, Washington. This quarter Lisa is teaching mosaic sculpture, watercolor painting, chalk pastels, digital photography and ballet. Classes are conveniently planned to fit into adult schedules, and are located downtown in the Colfax Public Library, and at Affinity South Hill in Spokane. To find out more information regarding dates, times, pricing, and registration, please visit www.IEL.spokane.edu/ACT2. We hope to see you there!
Look for updates soon on spring classes!
New adult classes offered through Community Colleges of Spokane
January 2014
New adult art classes are now being offered through the Community Colleges of Spokane at its satellite campus located in Colfax, Washington. This quarter Lisa is teaching mosaic sculpture, watercolor painting, chalk pastels and ballet. Classes are conviently planned to fit into adult schedules, and are located downtown in the Colfax public library. To find out more information regarding dates, times, pricing, and registration, please visit www.IEL.spokane.edu/ACT2. We hope to see you there!
Look for updates soon on spring classes!
Permafrost Magazine to Feature Work in Upcoming Edition
January 2014
University of Alaska Fairbanks literary journal will be featuring Growing Up in an Interracial Family I Never Knew if I Should Reach for the Ketchup or the Soy Sauce, in their upcoming Winter issue, Vol. 36.1. Look for her in the magazine at http://permafrostmag.com
Box Heart Gallery Inter/National, Here and Abroad...
January 14th - March 14th 2014
The Box Heart Gallery will be having their 13th Annual Art Inter/National Juried Exhibition, this upcoming January. 20 artists from all over the world will be exhibting their art and competing for the "Box Heart Artist of the Year" award which includes a solo exhibition at the gallery in 2015. For more information about the exhibition, the artists and the gallery please visit their website http://www.boxheartgallery.com/welcome.html
Public Reception January 18th 5-8PM
CVG Juried Exhibtion
January 25th - March 1st 2014
Collective Visions Gallery in Bremerton, WA is having their Annual Washington State Juried Exhibition and Arts Festival This January. The Festival runs January 24th - 26th, and the exhibtion will be open January 24th - March 1st. Lisa and many other talented artists in Washington State will be exhibiting their work. You can see the accepted artists, information about the juror, as well as schedule of events at their website http://www.collectivevisions.com/cvg_show/CVG%202014.php
CWU Office of Student Conduct and Responsible Citizenship
January 2013 Central Washington University
Work will be displayed the month of January
Community Colleges of Spokane ACT 2 Faculty Art Exhibtion
December 7th-8th 2013 Spokane Art Supply
The Community Colleges of Spokane's ACT 2 progam faculty will be exhbiting their work at Spokane Art Supply December 7th-8th.
1303 N Monroe St, Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 327-6628
Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition
April 5 - May 4, 2013 Washington State University
Reception: April 5, 6 pm, MOA GalleryThis annual showcase represents the culmination of two or more years work by the Master of Fine Arts graduate candidates. Late curator Keith Wells said, "This is the perfect exhibition for mom's weekend. The work is usually as diverse in medium as it is in subject matter. The exhibition always provides a wide range of styles and stimulating experiences for faculty, students and local museum constituents. We present this year's graduate thesis work - in hopes that undergraduate students, first year graduate students and anyone willing to be moved by art will find it a fun and stimulating experience."
To view the interviews with the graduating MFA candidates of 2013: Meghan Flynn, Meghan Hedley, Cat Jensen, Jennifer Saracino, Lisa Soranaka, and Austin Stiegemeier http://www.wsumuseumclass.com/mfa-thesis-2013.html
School of Art and Innovation
May 2013
The School of Art and Innovation's creator and director, Dianne Brudnicki works tirelessly to enrich students lives by providing the finest art education and mentorship program available. As a former student of Brudnicki's art and mentorship programs, Soranaka served as an intern before attending grad school. To see the post congratulating Lisa, as well as information on programs offered at the School of Art and Innovation, please visit http://artandinnovate.com/2013/05/congratulations-lisa-soranaka/
Look for updates soon on the upcoming visiting artist lecture!